Central Library RGPV provides the library full text e-resource/articles/research papers etc., and delivers services via e-mail to all the registered students/faculty members / research scholars of RGPV and its affiliated colleges.
Instruction for the users:
- Login through RGPV website www.rgpv.ac.in with your own login and password.
- Once successfully logged, click on e-resource publisher’s link.
- By clicking on appropriate publisher link there is a list of e-resources given as below, wherein specific article/research paper can be searched.
- Once locating the specific e-resources/articles/research paper, click on e-resource requisition form.
- Fill the necessary fields of requisition form and submit+.
- The mandatory required fields are:
Name of the faculty member/student/Research Scholar
Enrollment No./Login ID
Institute Name/Study Centre
Type of e-resources
Title of the e-resource
Author of the e-resource
ISBN of the e-resource
Accession No. of the e-resource
Publisher name
Year of publication
Volume number
Contact No.
E-mail address of faculty member/student/Research Scholar
- Send duly filled requisition form to the e-mail id: centrallibrary@rgtu.net
- On receiving the requisition, Central Library will download the full text of required article/research paper and will send it to user’s e-mail Id.
Service Description:
- This is e-resource facility provided online on request to registered students/faculty members / research scholars of RGPV and its affiliated colleges.
- This service is provided and managed by the Central Library, RGPV.
Contact Information:
Contact to Librarian via
e-mail address:--librarian@rgtu.net or
phone no : 0755-2678853 and 0755-2678818
Login Id:
e-resource facility can be availed by logging through user’s own login Id and password provided by RGPV to registered faculty member/student/Research Scholar